Chernobyl (2019)

Our internet got turned off for a weekend and I watched some shit, so what? So Chernobyl, the new HBO miniseries about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986. I watched it and it was… surely a thing. I’d heard about how captivating and raw the show is and I don’t know why I ditched Good Omens in favour of it but I guess I just wanted to watch the Soviet Union almost dick over the entirety of Europe. As a Hungarian I live relatively very close to where the incident took place in today’s Ukraine, and my family, and most … Continue reading Chernobyl (2019)

Black Mirror (season 5)

What is this? She writes again? Let’s not call this writing just yet but yes, I have some shit I gotta say. I watched Black Mirror’s latest season last week and I’ve been sort of pondering a review ever since but I haven’t managed to put into words exactly just how I feel about it so I thought I’d go over my thoughts this past week and how I tried to make sense of what the heck just happened. I hadn’t read any reviews before I watched season 5 and even afterwards I only read two; one that said it … Continue reading Black Mirror (season 5)

The Handmaid’s Tale: Season 2

I think I tried writing a review about the first season like eight times but I just never did right until it became irrelevant anyway because the second season was coming out. If you don’t know, The Handmaid’s Tale is a TV show based on a novel of the same name written by Margaret Atwood. In the world of The Handmaid’s Tale a good majority of women appear to have become infertile and childbirth rates have dropped drastically. An organisation that believes this to be a punishment from God for humanity’s sinful ways works from the shadows to create a … Continue reading The Handmaid’s Tale: Season 2

Black Mirror: Season 4

Black Mirror is a fantastic show of how many ways there are in which technology can screw us over. It might sound like paranoid, anti-millennial agenda from a bunch of baby boomers that are the embodiment of the “durr hburr techonology is bad fire is scary and thomas edison was a witch” shirts but the show is way too versatile to be reduced to just that. Every episode features a different set of characters in seemingly different variations of how society could end up in the future. An episode includes recordable memories, another one theorises what would happen if instagram … Continue reading Black Mirror: Season 4

American Gods: Season 1

I only ever binge watch TV shows when I’ve been waiting for them for quite some time or if I get an impulse to binge some totally irrelevant show that I care about much less than all the other stuff on my to-watch list. Why I decided to let this impulse take me to American Gods I don’t know but I’m not opposed to it. I went into this knowing very little about it as I haven’t read the novel nor have I watched any sort of trailer or preview. I knew the basic premise and that it features gods. … Continue reading American Gods: Season 1